Join the Weightless Running Revolution with GlideCycle Running/ walking bike for adults
I went to meet the GlideCycle™ staff to find out what their product might be able to do for my patients... Within a short time, it became clear that the GlideCycle™ was truly changing lives...
The GlideCycle™ changed my life, and helped to transform me into an athlete. I was struggling with an extra 50 pounds for years after a foot surgery. GlideCycle Running was the key. It is a new sport, and it takes due diligence to learn, but the results are wonderful.
I LOVE to go out and glide. I live on a flat road with two very steep hills on either side and run almost 1 1/2 miles. Sometimes I go too fast, but my family walks with me and I go to the end and come back to them. FUN! FUN! FUN! I want one for over my treadmill for frozen winters and hot summers!
After only using the GlideCycle™ three times I noticed how much better I felt. I usually have to struggle to push myself out of a chair to stand, but now I can just stand right up! After only a month of using my new GlideCycle™ I was up to running 3/4 of a mile 4 times a week and now only a few weeks later I'm running 2 miles at a time! My life has changed.
Something wonderful has happened to me. Little did I know that David and his GlideCycle™ would drastically change my life... To date, I have lost 32 pounds and I am in the picture of health...
Every sports team in the world needs these. I would still be playing football today if I had one 5 years ago. I mean it!
We ran 17 miles with our GlideCycles™ in a recent race. We just became sales reps in Portland, Oregon! Awesome couples play!!!