It may appear to a be a really crazy bicycle, but look closely...there are no pedals! It is actually a bicycle specifically designed for runners. Runners who want to run with wheels for painless running.
Imagine running with a fraction of your body weight. Imagine the health benefits and fun of running really fast for miles, passing other runners and smiling all the way because... it doesn't hurt to run with wheels.
That's because the GlideCycle has a proprietary Pelvic Suspension System and natural spring arch frame that lifts up to 90% of the runner's body weight comfortably. This allows what we like to call, "weightless running," with full ground contact, minimal joint impact and lots of fun exercises. No matter what your physical condition, you can get the hypnotic padding of a realistic run...the athletic sweat, the deep breathing, and the endorphins that make your day. All of the gain without the pain.
Propel yourself with true running motion, but with the body weight of a child and the muscle power of an adult. With a GlideCycle anyone can experience the virtually pain-free exhilaration of running five to eight-minute miles for short or long distances, whatever you prefer. Sprint workouts are extremely efficient. For example, a three-mile course of wind sprints in 20 minutes adds the perfect interval intensity to your workout week and can drive off excess weight. GlideCycle every day if you want without the usual post-exercise pain.
GlideCycle is truly the world’s finest Outdoor Running Bike. It is here to start: The Weightless Running Revolution for everyone.
GlideCycle Running Is Beyond Low Impact...its Weightless!
Imagine running with the body weight and impact forces of a 50-pound child or less….and the muscle power of the adult athlete in you! You can run and train hard or tour for recreation all day without pain!
GlideCycle™ puts the fun back into your running and eliminates painful joint impact and fatigue with its unique Unweighting System. Achieve new fitness goals, challenge yourself to any exercise intensity & experience running or walking like never before...NO MATTER WHAT YOUR FITNESS LEVEL
GlideCycle Makes It Easy to Lose Weight! Up To 330 Pounds
The GlideCycle™ allows individuals to reduce their body weight while providing cardio/aerobic, core and leg muscle exercise simultaneously. However, weight control is highly dependent on balancing the number of calories taken in by the number of calories burned. A healthy diet is key – and regular exercise is vital. GlideCycle™ takes exercise outside and makes it FUN. Join Biggest Loser winner Mike Messina and start moving again without pain....up to 330 pounds!
You'll be able to use heart rate to judge your workload. If you're walking fast or painless running with the GlideCycle™, your heart rate will indicate your workload just as it does with other forms of exercise. To receive a more intense cardiovascular workout, you can increase your speed to reach a higher heart rate and caloric burn. Heart rate can be used to determine the speed you need to go to achieve the same cardiovascular workout that you'd achieve with unassisted running. In short, you can do the same amount of work (cardiovascular intensity) by just running a little faster, but the impact on your body will be reduced significantly. And Glide-Runners are able to go for hours every day, unlike runners.
Weightless Running
The patented design and functionality of the GlideCycle allows users to run with the weight of a 50 lbs child but with the muscle of the adult athlete within you.- Comfortable & Natural
With the GlideCycle you walk, jog or run like you typically do, but without your full body weight. Run naturally while being supported by the comfortable Pelvic Suspension System. - It's Fun!
A boring exercise routine kills motivation. With the GlideCycle you'll never have that problem! Our users are getting outside and working out more than ever. Try it and see for yourself!
Full Body Workout
- Lower Body
Get a complete lower body workout with full running capabilities. The best part of the GlideCycle is you can run without the usual post exercise pain. And GlideCycle Running hits hard to target muscle groups--hamstrings, gluts and lower back for more powerful cross-training. - Core Strength
Tilt and adjust the seat to get a variety of great core workout angles. Great cardio combined with a core workout and you're bound to lose weight in the mid section. - Upper Body
Glide and build upper body strength at the same time. Stay balanced, and steer to condition shoulders, chest, and upper back muscles.

See which GlideCycle is right for you to start painless running!